
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My First Job

Now that I'm working I miss study life so much...
Working life is dull..
Dull in the sense that you wake up every morning, get ready to work, goes to work, waits for lunch, came back from lunch, waits for dismissal...
And it's a cycle that repeats itself day by day...
The interesting part is, since I'm a course instructor (so called)...
I get to meet a lot of kids, adorable ones, shy ones, naughty ones, talkative ones etc etc..
All with different temperament..
Sometimes you get to laugh at their silly conversations with you (I mean they're kids right, sometimes things they said just doesn't make any sense)...LOL
Sometimes you can get heart attack coz they're just so naughty and uncontrollable...
Sometimes it's very touching when they appreciate things that you've done to them..
Yeah.. These are the parts that I like in my job..
You don't work because of work, work as if it's one part of your life which you enjoy...
If it's the opposite way... Then perhaps you need to think of another way out...
I remember this quote saying "When life gives you lemon, make it into lemonade"
I found sugar in my lemon, and I'm kinda enjoying my cup of lemonade...
Or perhaps it is the effect of "internal/external justification"...
Hehehe.. I don't know...
Maybe.. =D

20120918    12.56PM

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