
Friday, December 2, 2011


Who watched this??

I find this a great movie with a very impact-ful lesson in it...
Imagine, if in the real world everyone is having this countdown-to-death device on your hand...

What would it be like??
I bet the only best thing is that you can be 25 forever even if you're 105...
But it's about the time...
You know, living your every second worrying that you have not enough time..
Even walk, eat, play and sleep would be a waste of time..
You'll need to earn every single second, IF you're poor..
You can't even study, because it's a waste of time going to class and sit there and just listen...
You wouldn't have time for that IF you're poor..
(Driving from Ipoh to Kampar to study will waste me at least 30 minutes... =P)
IF you're poor, you can't do anything except to work, to earn and to worry...
As what I see from this movie, TIME is indeed very PRECIOUS...
If I have such thing on my hand I couldn't be sitting in front of my laptop FB-ing and wasting my time...
(Which is what I am doing..Hahaha)
I have to make every second worth....
Ahhhh, stop crapping...
I shall start my work..Hahaha..
Don't waste your time people (^_^)

20111202    11.54PM

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